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Shasta Leadership Academy



Administrative Credential Program

The Shasta County Office of Education provides candidates with an opportunity to earn a Preliminary Administrative Service Credential through a one year program at the Shasta Leadership Academy, and a Clear Administrative Service Credential through a two year program in partnership with the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA).Both programs are accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). 

The Shasta Leadership Academy (PASC program) consists of six courses aligned with California Administrator Performance Expectations and integrates the CalAPA into the fieldwork assignments. The Academy also offers a Master’s degree in Applied Leadership through our partnership with National University.

The CASC program design and implementation provides supports and guidance grounded in the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSEL) in three designated areas, job-embedded coaching, assessment and professional development. Candidates enroll within one year of starting an initial administrative position, with coaching services starting within 30 days of program enrollment.




"Great leaders don't SUCCEED because they are great. 
They succeed because they bring out the GREATNESS in others. "





Kim McKenzie Ed.D

Senior Director of Professional Leadership


Ryan Miller

Director of School and District Support


Tier 1 Administrative Credential Information

The Shasta Leadership Academy partners with the Association of California School Administrators to offer local educational leaders a pathway to their "clear administrative service credential."  

The mission of NorCal ELC is to provide high-quality professional learning and support for school and teacher leaders in the eleven northernmost counties of California, the Shasta Region. We develop leadership knowledge and skills, promote continuous improvement systems, and connect educators with tools and resources for addressing equity-centered problems of practice to ultimately lead to better outcomes for children and youth in our largely rural region.

The Shasta Leadership Academy is accredited by both the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing( CTC) and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).  Here you will find the documents correlating to each accreditation cycle.